xanadu next 满足度 ☆☆☆


游戏的故事本身乏善可陈……双生姐妹中必有一个将接受作为封印魔王的巫女的命运,姐姐为了能让妹妹永远的挣脱枷锁自己选择变成黑衣新娘将魔王封印在自己体内然后停住了城堡的时间等待着真正勇者的到来。xanadu next讲的就是这样一个简单的故事……不过……正如他的名字《迷城国度》一样……这个游戏的重点不在于剧情而在于那峰回路转回旋往复的迷宫……{这里我已经不知道该用什么措辞来形容它了……}


最值得一提的,就是游戏的片尾曲,white lie in black:

May God forgive My white lies
For our Love, For the world of tomorrow...

Do not chase But Hark back
you see reflections of the true Love 
Do not demand But visualize
and you hear rings of the pure Chime
Do not chase But hark back
you see re-creations of the Castle 
Do not demand BUt visualize
and you hear songs of the PhoenixIs

the foggy heart Black or white?
Is the wavin' tears Deep or shallow?
Is the courtly love Black or white?
Is the sleepin' beauty Distant or near?

You, the brave!
have no fear to pierce the stillness of the tide
Here forms an invisible Fate  
You, the true heir to the sword!
never flinch from facing the state of the flux
Here sounds an inaudible will...of Love(uh..)la la la la la...  
Both of the black and the white
Dissolve int the crystal sky
it's aBlaze of the Future
a Bond of our Love...




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